Nao Nagasawa, Hajime Kinoko and Norio Sugiura: 極私的緊縛野史 nao

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Nao Nagasawa, Hajime Kinoko and Norio Sugiura: 極私的緊縛野史 nao

Gokushiteki Kinbaku yashi nao

This beautiful publication is a collaboration between master photographer Sugiura Norio (born 1942), the outstanding model Nao Nagasawa (born 1967), and multitalented nawashi Kinoko Hajime (born 1977).

In addition to the B5-size booklet with high quality photos, it contains a full DVD where you can see the interaction of the whole team (including Hourai Kasumi). The first 50 copies comes with an additional ”behind the scenes” DVD with comments.

See also an earlier post here:極私的緊縛野史-蓬莱かすみ/ 





S&M Sniper Spring 2016: Naka, Yukimura, Kinoko, Kai and Marai tying Kawakami Yuu

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S&M Sniper Spring 2016: Naka, Yukimura, Kinoko, Kai and Marai tying Kawakami Yuu

The magazine S&Mスナイパー has been around, in different forms, since 1979. It ceased publication in 2009, returning for a while as ”Web Sniper”, a site still worth visiting (it also has a search-funtion):

This spring, the magazine was resurrected in printed form, with the nawashi Marai Masato as its editor. The first issue is focussed on the famous model Kawakami Yuu, mainly containing images from a recent series of DVDs (also released by SM-Sniper). It is really a high quality collection, showing the same person being tied in the different styles of Naka Akira, Yukimura Haruki, Kinoko Hajime, Kai and Marai Masato. The issue comes with an accompanying DVD, with shorter clips from this series.

So, while the issue might be viewed as mainly a ”re-packaging” of material already released it would be equally true to say that it is an antology of the most interesting kinbaku-material handled by the publisher SM Sniper.

The DVD ends with a comprehensive list of movies with Kawakami Yuu that is so long, it leaves me in shock – literally hundreds of titles.

Again, I try to keep printed material as the focus of the blog, but at times I sneak some information in about DVDs in my collection, as they are related to the book or magazine in question.

Naka Akira x Yuu Kawakami: Kinbaku 1: 川上ゆう×奈加あきら~緊縛~1 (TNH-03)

Yukimura Haruki x Yuu Kawakami: Kinbaku 2: 川上ゆうx雪村春樹 ~緊縛~2 (TNH-04)

Kinoko Hajime x Yuu Kawakami: Kinbaku 3: 川上ゆう×一鬼のこ~緊縛~3 (TNH-05)

Kai x Yuu Kawakami: Kinbaku 4: 川上ゆう×魁~緊縛~4 (TNH-06)

Marai Masato x Yuu Kawakami: Kinbaku 7: 川上ゆう×麻来雅人~ 緊縛~7 (TNH-10)

(The DVDs number 5 and 6 features Naka tying two other models, so I don’t include them in this post focussed on the Yuu Kawakami-issue of S&M Sniper. )



Kenji Matsui: Suspensions

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Kenji Matsui: Suspensions (オール吊りの本, Oro tsuri no hon)

According to SMpedia, Kenji Matsui (1940–2013) was an ”amateur” nawashi, who’s work was sometimes published anonymously. He had some relations with, among others, Akechi Denki. Kenji in turn was an important influence for Kamui Jubei and the ”Mumonbaku”-style.

Kenji Matsui:松井健二

Jubei Kamui:神威十兵衛

Mumonbaku-videos on TouTube:

Editor: Tetsuro Nakajima

Publisher: Sanwa, 1999

ISBN: 4-88356-710-9

PS Sin recently published an interview with Jubei Kamui, also addressing the ”mystery” of Kenji Matsuji”. It can be read here:

Oki Shoji: That’s Wonderful Eros Japan!

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Oki Shoji: That’s Wonderful Eros Japan!

Exotica Eros Baraccuda

Publisher: マガジン・ファイブ (Magazine Five), 2004

ISBN: 4-434-05275-6


Here is a hardbound book with drawings by Oki Shoji (born in 1922, currently 94 years of age).

Some in black-and-white, some in colours, this is a fine collection of sometimes crude pictures.