Four Japanese Hojojutsu-books


Four Japanese Hojojutsu-books

Four Japanese Hojojutsu-books

Fujita Seiko cover
Fujita Seiko uppslag 2

Fujita Seiko uppslag

Fujita uppslag 3
Fujita Seiko: ”Zukai Hojojutsu” (1964)
ISBN 978-4-8390-0297-8
This is without doubt the greatest and most important of the Hojojutsu-books. A hardbound red book in a yellow carton slipcase, 327 pages with beautiful images, cataloging all the different hojojutsu ties from the different schools. This is NOT a how-to book with step-by-step rendering. In a peculiar and to my mind very beautiful way, the ties are sometimes depicted with a person being tied, and next to it only the pattern of the rope, floating in the air.

Miz coverMiz inlaga 3

Miz Hojo inl 2

Miz Hojo

Mizukosho Hiro: ”Shashin de oboeru Hojojutsu” (2005)
ISBN 978-4-7502-0282-2
This in contrast IS a how-to book, showing a number of hojojutsu ties in pictures step by step.
There is a newer edition, with a little bit better black-and-white separation of the images, but the newer edition is shorter, lacking almost 60 pages with many ties. The new edition (2013) has ISBN 978-4-7502-0331-7

hist hojo coverhist hojo 3

hist hojo inlagahist hojo bildark

Kazuhiko Itatsu: ”Yoriki, doshin, jitte torinawa” (1992)
ISBN: 4-404-01942-4
This is mainly a textbook with historical research, but has 60 small, albeit high quality, images, with modern recreations of hojojutsu ties.

In 2007, Nureki Chimuo wrote on his blog about this book. Now available in Faviola Llervus’ translation:

”Looking at the 60 tiny business card-sized monochrome photos inserted in the book ‘Yoriki, Doshin and Jitte Capture Rope’, I was so turned on I couldn’t stand it. (…) I am honestly more turned on by this black and white photo than by a hundred books of beautifully colored kinbaku photos of totally naked women’s bodies lined up in front of me. It turns me on. It makes me want to masturbate.”

Ittatsu cover Ittatsu textpage Ittatsu uppslagIttatsu dollKazuhiko Itatsu: ”Ittatsu-Ryu Hojo-Jutsu” (2011)

ISBN 978-4-9905829-0-6
This is a comprehensive description in text of how to tie some of the main hojojutsu ties, in Japanese and in (well… some kind of) English (see sample page). Each tie is showed on a doll, only in its finished state and only from one side (not step by step). The last pages show images taken by the researcher Nawa Yumio, of old dolls that was once used for hojojutsu-practice.