Kanna interview in Mania Club (2017)

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Last Fall, the magazine マニア倶楽部  [Mania Club] started a series of interviews with contemporary bakushi. In the September issue, there was a long one with Kanna. Accompanied by a series of photos of the ever beautiful Kagura in Kanna’s rope. Below, a glimpse. I am much looking forward to meeting Kanna & Kagura again – this time in Copenhagen at the Kinbaku Lounge.

UPDATE APRIL 2020: Kagura has now provided a translation into English of this interview, see the series of blog-posts here: http://kanna-kagura.blogspot.com/2020/04/biographies-of-kinbakushi-of-japan.html



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Kanna: Collection of Kinbaku Poses


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bild 3.JPGKanna: いますぐ描ける! 緊縛ポーズ集  (2018)

”Collection of Kinbaku Poses That You Can Draw Right Now – Let’s draw authentic shibari!”

This book made me happy!

I love Kannas rope, but there are – so far – very few publications. (We are all longing for that crowdfunded 10 years celebration-book to eventually get published…)

With this title, I was not sure what to expect. But I was happily surprised.

The book offers 160 pages, with very clear and detailed photos of Kanna’s ties from multiple angles for each tie. Four models – the ever beautiful Kagura being one of them. Neutral white background makes the images somewhat abstract – somehow like a catalogue of ties. (And of course also some drawings with hints on how to make sketches on this topic. But mainly a photo-book.)

Bonus: As far as I understand, the book has not been adult rated, and should thus be possible to order internationally without big problems.

Format: B5, 160 pages

Models: かさいあみ、神楽、蝶月真綾、牡丹

Publisher: Sanwa, Tokyo

ISBN: 978-4-7769-1874-5

See also an earlier post about Kanna here:


Kinoko Hajime: Nawa-Ato  縄痕 (Rope Marks)

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Kinoko Hajime: Nawa-Ato  縄痕 (Rope Marks)

This book was made for a photo-exhibition Kinoko held in Tokyo in March 2018.

The photos have been taken the last five years.

The topic is ”rope marks”, understood as the traces of rope not only in the physical sense, but also emotionally.

Kinoko was kind enough to bring me a copy of the book to his recent workshop in Paris and sign it for me.

Rope and Photo: Kinoko Hajime

A4-size, 144 pages, good quality paper.

Publisher: エムアップ, 2018

ISBN: 978-4-908984-09-9

The historically interested readers of the blog may want to check out an earlier post about a book with a somewhat similar idea, twenty years ago:




Naka Akira & Hourai Kasumi & Sugiura Norio: Itoh Seiu edition (2017)


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Naka Akira & Hourai Kasumi & Sugiura Norio: Itoh Seiu edition (2017)

極私的緊縛野史 蓬莱かすみ 第二弾 (伊藤晴雨編)

This is the second photo-project released by Sugiura, with Naka tying Hourai Kasumi.

This time, they have taken special inspiration from Itoh Seiu.

See my post about the first one here.

A B5-size booklet with fantastic photographs, and a 95 minutes DVD. You can see a short clip on Sugiura’s website here: http://www.sugiuranorio.tv/top/products/detail.php?product_id=1814

This is VERY powerful material, a meeting between kinbaku-masters, seeking beauty in suffering, honouring the late Itoh.

This is a limited edition publication. I was happy to get it directly from Hourai Kasumi during her workshop in Paris this Spring with her signature on the cover.

Dan Oniroku & Minomura Kou ”Ryoki no onna”

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Dan Oniroku: 猟奇の女 [Ryoki no onna, ”Bitchy Girl”]. SM Novels series No. 5

This small format paperback book is part of a series of reprints of stories by Dan Oniroku. (This particular story was first published in SM Select in January 1971.) But don’t be fooled by the modest appearance – the book also contains twenty-something high quality print colour photos of Minomura Kou‘s kinbaku from the period 1975–1980. In October 1980, Minomura fell ill, so these pictures could maybe be said to represent his ”mature” style.

Many of the readers of this blog are perhaps more familiar with Minomura’s artwork (presented under the name of ”Kita Reiko”) than with photos of his ties. Such photos can of course be seen in many magazines through the years, but very often these magazines contain no information about who has done the tying. Here, it is cleary stated, along with the years the photos were taken.

Here is a link to an earlier post about the 1953 Minomura-book ”Beautifully Bound”:


And here is a link to a conversation between Nureki and Yukimura, where they among other things talk about the shooting of the film The World of Minomura Kou: https://kinbakubooks.wordpress.com/2017/01/05/nureki-yukimura-dialogue-in-sm-spirits-1993/

This book was included in Osada Steve’s generous donation. Thank you again!


Cover art: Saroyama Hajime

Publisher: サン出版, 2011

ISBN: 978-4-8644-4800-0

Kazami Ranki: ”Hard Chastisement of a Masochist” (2017)

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Kazami Ranki: 極限マゾ折檻  [Hard Chastisement of a Masochist]  (2017)

This is number one in a new ”True Sadist”-series by Sanwa. The photos, while often involving rope, also show whipping, kicking, strangulation through hanging, needle play, humiliation play etc. The included DVD has more of the same, but also some rather rope-centric scenes.

ISBN: 978-4-7769-1675-8


Erisa Satoh: Tristes Tropiques: Akira Naka’s Blue


bild 1bild 2bild 3Erisa Satoh: 哀しき熱帯 奈加あきらの⾭ [Tristes Tropiques: Akira Naka’s Blue]

This booklet is a rare photographic exploration of kinbaku. Not focussed on the tied up person (although they are visible in some photos), also not focused on the interaction between the person tying and the person being tied (which was often the case in Erisa Satoh’s previous book) – but instead the focus is singularly on the tying person, Naka Akira, in a certain… blue… mood.

A very beautiful project.

See my earlier post on Erisa Satoh’s previous book wih Naka here:


Erisa Satoh’s website: www.studio-eripsycho.com

Publisher: 撞着社, 2017

ISBN: 978-4-909126-00-9

Naka Akira: Shibari to Seme (2017)

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Naka Akira: 縛りと責め [Shibari to Seme]

This book is a kind of repackaging of vintage material. It offers stills from sixteen videos that Naka Akira did in collaboration with the director 夢流ZOU, from 2002 to 2008, most of them from the original ”Nawa Etsu”-series (”Rope Joy”), all earlier published by Art Video. In addition to the photo-book, there is included a DVD with two and a half hours of material, cut from eleven of the films. Master ‘K’ once included this series of ”The 10 best Kinbaku films and Videos ever produced” – In my view, there is no doubt that they belong there. Link: http://www.thebeautyofkinbaku.com/kinbakuandartchap8pt2.html

Publisher: Sanwa, 2017

ISBN: 978-4-7769-1688-8

Vincent Guilbert: Fragments of a Whisper (2016)

img_4202bild-1bildimg_4204img_4206Vincent Guilbert: Fragments of a Whisper (2016)

The french filmmaker Vincent Guilbert worked for many years on a movie with Akira Naka, called  牡丹の囁き (”The Peony’s Whisper”).

On his website, Guilbert presents the movie with the following words:

”Details from a portrait of Akira Naka, through the otherness of image and speech; broken up memory, fragmented time, reminiscences of places, moments, faces and bodies, during a back-and-forth between the recollections of a child and the aspirations of a man in his fifties…” (Source: http://www.jikken-karasu.com/films/the-peony-s-whisper?lang=en )

This small beautiful book, bound with an intensely red thread, published by Romantic Press in a limited edition of 100 copies, features stills from the movie, accompanied by exact time-references in hours, minutes and seconds, and a short presentation of the project (in Japanese).

Relevant to the interests of the readers of this blog, I may mention that Guilbert in 2006 made a documentary movie about the porn-actress and Kinbaku-model Maki Tomoda. In the movie, you get to see a few glimpses of Naka in action as well. The DVD was released in a very limited edition of 80 copies. I am happy to have it in my collection, and include an image of it below (though I generally abstain from posting about anything else but printed materials).  More about the movie here: http://www.jikken-karasu.com/films/kage-no-hikari-37?lang=en

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