Muku Youji: 異色耽美画集 no 1


Muku Youji: 異色耽美画集 no 1

2014-05-12 09.24.45

Muku Youji: 異色耽美画集 no 12014-05-12 09.24.05
Ishoku tanbi gashu no 1

Rope, photos in black-and white and illustrations. Edited by Muku Youji.
I am uncertain about the year of publication – my guess is late 1950s — early 1960s. If you have any further information about this series of black booklets, please contact me.

Beautifully Bound booklet 5 and 10


Beautifully Bound booklet 5 and 10

2014-05-11 17.32.19 2014-05-11 17.33.03 2014-05-11 17.33.44 2014-05-11 17.34.19 2014-05-11 17.34.40 2014-05-11 17.35.14 2014-05-11 17.35.20 2014-05-11 17.36.35 2014-05-11 17.37.18 2014-05-11 17.37.28 2014-05-11 17.38.10 2014-05-11 17.38.43

Beautifully Bound booklet 5 and 10
After the two outstanding books ”Beautifully Bound” number 1 and 2 (aka the ”black book” and the ”red book”), a series of booklets were started: ”Beautifully Bound” numbers 3–11.
These were published by Tenseisya, Abeno Osaka
I am not certain about the order of publication, but this should be issue number 5 (1965) and number 10 (1966).

See earlier posts here:
And here: