Beautifully Bound booklet 7 (1966)


Beautifully Bound booklet 7

2014-06-19 14.26.40BB7 leg 2014-06-19 14.27.37    breast tie BB 7

Beautifully Bound booklet 7
After the two outstanding books ”Beautifully Bound” number 1 and 2 (aka the ”black book” and the ”red book”), a series of booklets were started: ”Beautifully Bound” numbers 3–11.
These were published by Tenseisya, Abeno Osaka
I am not certain about the order of publication, but this should be issue number 7 (1966).

See earlier posts here:

And here:

SMフォト全集 (SM collector), 1980, 1982, 1983


SMフォト全集 (SM collector), 1980, 1982, 1983

nureki bamboosm collect nureki 4 sm collect nureki 2 sm collect nureki 3 SM collect GUN sm collect bord sm collect våg sm collect nureki SM collector 1 PÅle SM collect stenar Sm collect 2014-06-19 14.15.13

SMフォト全集 (SM collector) 1980, 1982, 1983
Sm collector was a magazine that was started in 1972 by amongs others Minomura Kou. It folded 1985. Most of the images above are from the 1980-issue. Various bakushi and models are featured, but quite a few images show Nureki’s ropework. They contain also illustrations by for example Muku Youji and, represented here with the lady holding a gun, Harukawa Namio.

Yasuji Watanabe: SHOJO KINBAKU (少女緊縛)


Yasuji Watanabe: SHOJO KINBAKU (少女緊縛)

Watanabe 1 Watanabe 2 Watanabe 3

Yasuji Watanabe: SHOJO KINBAKU (少女緊縛)

Yasuji Watanabi is more known for his photography than his own ropework (see my earlier posts here:ök ), but in this book, as far as I understand he is both the ”Art director” and the bakushi.
ISBN: 4-8130-0126-2